Friday, July 31, 2009

Finally Friday...

I am going to finish my block of the week (Heart and Hand) and post the last two weeks. Boy was this a busy week or what? My living room has been repainted, Katie's room has been repainted except for the closet with the hole in it...I picked up my new car last night...Jeanne and Connie will be relieved to know it is a more horrible incidents in least none that we can blame on the car...PHEW!

JoAnn's shop has her One Stop Shop Hop starting should check out her website. I think it is a hilarious idea and I hope she does VERY well!

Two birthdays coming up this month...Jeanne and JoAnn....what fun is that?

One more very exciting thing! Katie and I had our first two sales in our ETSY shop. We are pumped and I am hoping that eventually I will see the floor of my sewing room....


  1. wait...there's a floor in your quilt room? I think that's an urban legend.

  2. Oooh Ms. Smarty Pants! I think your kitty, Evil Puss, is somewhere under the help me find him before he misses his litter box!
