Friday, May 22, 2009

Long Weekend...YIPPEE!

I love more day at home to quilt. This is going to be a nice quiet weekend, I hope!

My friend Susan contacted me today...she is recovering from her hip replacement surgery and will be released this weekend so she can go home and get some good rest. I am so happy that she is doing well. I hope she has lots of time to work on the Heart and Hand applique blocks that we are both doing.

I am going to be taking my car to the body shop next week so I will have a rental...I can't wait to see what I get to drive for the next two weeks. I am sure it will be little and stinky. Why are rental cars always stinky? Oh well, I am sure you will hear about it. I hope the body work I have to have done will be it for this car...I turn it in for a new one in November.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!


  1. I'm happy to hear that Susan's surgery went well. Enjoy your long week-end!

  2. yeah, buddy is fully recovered. He loved his bath and smelled lovely for about two he's back to good old dog smell...
