Friday, February 13, 2009

Good To Have A Goal!

I have a goal....I want to be six feet tall. Now from the way I see it, I am going to need a year in traction and some high heels...but I should be able to accomplish that. Holey moley, is traction fun or what? This is the first time I have been in one of those machines...determined little devil it was...pull and pull and pull...soon, Debbie is 6 feet tall! YAHOO! Then I can finally reach the top cupboard.

Happy Valentines day to my friends! I think I am going to get my tax stuff ready and then do some quilting. I haven't done much of that since my back has been hurting so bad. Phooey on pain!


  1. Hope that therapy does wonders for your aching back, Deb. I agree - phooey on pain.

  2. Hi Deb I recognize your photo from Shipshewana. I'm glad to find your blog. Hope you are feeling better. I think quilting is good therapy for whatever ails us. It looks like you are a fairly new blogger. Welcome aboard!! I'll be watching.....
