We have had some excitement with our new doggie, Sawyer...the little rascal got into a bag in Katherine's room and ate quite a lot of very expensive chocolate. Now he seems to be OK but he has vomited all over my couch...and I anticipate some other eruptions later...what a little rascal. Good thing we all love him.
We have had a few more inches of snow. The snow is so high in the back yard that Sawyer could just walk over the fence. We have to tie him up which is what we were trying to avoid. Poor guy!

I made him a stocking so he is official! This is supposed to look like a dog bone...I hope he likes it! Jett's is very cute too. Midnight has one that is shaped like a fish....and of course, Evil puss that he is, he sticks his nose up at it. He likes the goodies we have it in, but the stocking is not something he gets excited about...
Oh well....
Merry Christmas! God Bless us, every one!